VPILF And how! Man, that is one sexy lady.
Some say God is neither Republican or Democrat, but I disagree. He's clearly Republican. Before the Democratic National Convention, Focus on the Family's James Dobson
called for prayer to God for rain to ruin Obama's special day. God works in mysterious ways, however, and instead of Obama getting rained out, the Lord cooked up Hurricane Gustav to pummel New Orleans again during the Republican National Convention. That doesn't sound very Republican, but bear with me.
See, now they've canceled the day that Bush and Cheney were supposed to appear, saving McCain from making some inopportune photo ops. The most unpopular President in forever is excused out of his own convention! Now McCain can totally get elected! And all it took was a few million dollars in property damage and a few hundred deaths.
Oh, Old Testament God, I miss you.
James Dobson, not so much.
So I found myself a Spectacular Green Goblin on Saturday. Hurray! This is the wave where things start
looking like the show's character models. I may start picking these things up again.
(The first few waves were sculpted before the show's look was finalized. And, well, money spent on tooling is money spent on tooling...)
It helps that I'm a fan of Spectacular Spider-Man's Green Goblin design. It reminds me a bit of of
Humberto Ramos' version from a few years ago, though missing pants and sleeves like the original.
He comes with a glider (of course) and a pumpkin bomb. I'm not really sure how they expect the pumpkin bomb to interact with the figure's hands. On a good day, I can get it balanced precariously in his palm -- though this probably has more to do with atoms being sticky or something. The bomb doesn't attach in any real way to his hands, and his palms are sculpted facing inwards, not facing up. So gravity won't do. It's really the only place the dude needs more articulation. If you could rotate his wrists, it'd be much easier to get the bomb to sit in his palms.
But everywhere else, he's pretty cool. I'm particularly happy that he has a good level of articulation in his legs, especially at the ankles. So often, it seems, Hasbro or Toybiz or whoever are simply happy enough giving him knees and hips, and sometimes ankles. But not meaningful ankles. Never meaningful ankles. Spectacular Green Goblin has meaningful ankles. His ankles can rock left to right, not just forward and back. So, woo, he can ride his glider without looking like a dipshit.
Which is important.