One of the joys of collecting this wave of Spider-Man figures is that several of them are figures that friends of mine owned, which I enjoyed fiddling with, but passed on at the time. Green Goblin's figure here is one of them. Of course, back then, he had a removable helmet which had Willem Dafoe's face underneath, but this is almost as good.
This Green Goblin toy is satisfying. I don't know why it is, but it feels compelling to me. He's got a giant, awesome glider and a figure poseable enough to look good riding it. Without a stand (and he doesn't come with one) the glider lurches forward, which adds visual momentum. Without pumpkin bombs... well, I guess that void pretty much sucks. Hey, that's the rising cost of oil for ya.
I guess it worked out pretty well for me, not picking up a Green Goblin here or a Doc Ock there along the way. They've been repackaged for me all in one line, with a usable Mary Jane, an assortment that's largely all villains, and a build-a-figure Sandman. (Which rocks.)
Spider-Man 3 comes out on DVD Tuesday! I'm stoked. I enjoyed the movie immensely, though it's no Spider-Man 2. Hrm. Also out on DVD that same Tuesday? Scrubs season 6. Yikes. Expensive day. Also, knowing my luck, I'll stumble across the second wave of Transformers movie Robot Heroes. Those are apparently showing up now.
Quick, send me money!