Aug 01, 2006 09:32
+So orientation was okay last night. I felt a lot better being around others who hadn't done this before and had the same stupid, dull questions that I had. The lady that led it was really laid-back and nice, which always helps in confusing situations like this. We learned the basics, which I am still kinda confused on and will probably mess up at least three times. At least. The only part I felt was bad was the real stuff that we had to learn, paging codes and stuff, was whipped through and I got it when we were doing it but now that I'm not, I forgot.
+I know, I know...everyone has to screw up. I guess what has me so nervous is because none of my previous jobs have had anything remotely to do with this kind of job/atmosphere. Now, don't get me wrong, I am *so* excited about the new job and having a job that, for once, places me in air-conditioning. I am just slightly nervous by the change...but excited at the same time.
+Sidenote: We discussed how angry retail people get when you spend hours folding things and someone comes along and screws it up. Which is so totally me. I guess I have to have "retail compassion" now and no longer do that. Damn.
+So Thursday is going to be my last day at the Y...ever. I work the afternoon shift today and have computer training from six to ten. Tomorrow, I work all day at the Y. On Thursday, I will be hopefully working the morning shift (I have a dr appointment and have to switch with someone) and then have computer training from six to ten again. Then on Friday I work at Kohl's from 10am-6:30pm. On Saturday, it's 2pm to 10:30 pm. On Sunday, it's 9am to 1pm. Damn tax free weekend. So, in between ALL of that, I have to finish my dorm/back-to-school shopping and pack AND delevoping pictures at wal-mart. It should all get done because I can't see the packing taking as long because I won't be packing as much as I did last year, at least I don't plan on it. And I may leave some stuff at home to pick up when I come home to work. I'm not sure of it all yet.
+I got mad at a co-worker yesterday. We were sitting with the kids outside, about to bring them in, and he out-of-nowhere and for no reason throws a ball at me. Now, it didn't hurt this time (it's only a soft ball but last week he hit me in the chest and THAT hurt) but I was mad that he felt he could just do that. I think he has a crush on me or something, just in the way he talks to me and all. Now he's pretty nice but he's way immature, around the kids and towards his responsibilites. So..I was just mad. I didn't blow up at him because we were around kids but when he hit me, I said "don't throw that at me again". He asked what I was going to do about it. "Just don't do it" "Why? Whatcha goin' do?" (trying to be gangsta and shit) and all I said was "I don't appreciate crap being thrown at me."
+I don't care if he thinks I'm stupid but he'll learn. I just thought it was very rude and immature and I don't appreciate stuff like that. Grr. Why can't I ever attract a nice, decent, proper, good-looking guy? I am beginning to think they don't exist.
+I'm excited about seeing my Beach next week!