Jun 24, 2005 02:47
Wow! I cant belive it i actually had something to do this week!!
Me Laura and Marg all got together yesterday and went to Cracker Barrel.
Here are some highlights from the resterant:
Freaky waiter with like blood shot eyes...ewww
Can we have some buiscuts?
I need another water my freinds put sugar in my water...waiter- "Sure" ::very pissed off::
Finnally getting those darn buiscuts after we were done eating....
Leaving only a dollar on the tabel for a tip...opps
Then we went crusing around MEBANE and stoped at my aunts house....Instead of sitting in the car till my mom was done talking we got out to play on the playground! Yeah Laura was the captain of the ship margaret was the Rock Climber and i was the baby swin....of course we are slow what do you expect and as if that doesnt sound like a fun time we got on the trampoline and jumped for like 15 min. We were pooed after on 5 min...I was like yeah were to old for this!! haha Marg suggested we go and say hello to Beautiful Brandice so we went across the street and dropped in. We went upstairs and were like yelling "Brandice! Brandice?! Where are you?!" She came out and was still in her PJ's but she still looked beautiful, like always...grrr haha we played with her dog Abby who is just a cutie pa tudie! tyler came by and told us we had to leave so we walked back over to the car to leave. After Amy's House we went over to my Grandma's house to drop off some stuff. I showed marg and laura a picture of Eric when he was like 9 and he was lets just say...ummm CUBBY! hehe Marg was like " WOW he had a double chin without even trying! But now he is a hottie!" it was quite funny! After that my lovely Laura had to go home so we dropped her off at her hizzal and me and marg went to Lowes with my mom and sister. When we pulled up to the place guess who's dad was sitting on the lawn mowers....MINE of couse! haha I had to take a picture of him becasue it was quite funny....ya know. WE walked around lowes and by far the most exciting of all the sections was the carpeting! Wow marg was in love with the carpet section and took like 5 pictures of carpet...Stupid! haha I got a night light cause my room gets really dark at night. We FINALLY finished at Lowes and decided to leave.
Marg was spending the night so we had to like get online and print pictures from the night of course! Marg ate the last peice of pound cake and i was sad...oh well ill get over it eventually. Cole let us borrow a movie i had to show marg. It's called Se7en (seven) and is like a murder mystery...pretty grose murders however...Margaret loved it so you know its good! Since we couldnt go to bed right after watching a freaky movie we decided to upload all 40 pictures from the night onto my picture page and that took a good 20 min...when we were done and tried to post it my computer erased it i could have screamed and we didnt want to do it all over so we went up to my room to cut out pictures and talk. We didnt go to bed ttill at least 4:30 am...We woke up today at 2:00 and marg said her dad was picking us up in 15 min to go swim so i packed a bag of clothes and went to margs we stoped at Mcdonalds for lunch. We swam till like 3:45 and then went in to take showers to get ready for the baseball game at 6:00. We went to the game and we won like 17 to 7! It was sooo much fun cause abunch of people were there like LAURA!! yeah! Marg dropped me off at my house and i ate Martinho's for dinner and then i talked to eric online for like an hour. Now its 3:15 and i didnt even know it is so late like the last time i looked at the clock it was midnight so now im going to wrap this LONG post up and head on up to bed!
You really didnt have to read all that but if you did i commend you for your effert!
Peace Out
I love you, Live Journal readers
<3, Laura Beth