Oct 18, 2005 20:46
I didn't really tell many people this, but last week my 92 year old grandma had another heart attack. It got to me in the weirdest way too. I just didn't know how to feel. My mom on the other hand was a total WRECK. They wouldn't give her any information on the phone because we don't live up North. My mom sobbed all day to me, and I felt kind of like a mother that day. I gave her hugs, and listened. I didn't have much to say but I listened.
My nona just keeps going and going. She's had cancer, strokes, heart attacks, and yet she's still able to do so many things. I remember my grandpa would always tell me how he wanted to live to be 100, and my nona would say how she was always ready to go... I guess it got reversed, and i'm proud of my Nona. When I lived up North, Nona was like my hero. Whenever I needed to get away Nona's house was the place to be. My other sisters never liked to spend time with her like I did. I even gave up family vacations and lived with my nona. Shes the one person in my family that I can honestly say was enjoying her life, and living it to the fullest... I miss her, but its better that I don't see her like she is now(Dimensia)... poor Nona, I love her. :)
Me and my parents finally had a huge fight. It had just been building up in me, and mom set me off. Eric accidently honked his horn one night. It wasn't even a honk, it was like a toot... lol but anyways mom accussed us of doing it on purpose, because you know how we love to honk horns at 2am in the monring. After she got done with me, Dad confronted me about it. Gosh its like theres no such thing as an accident. We fought and fought, and it ended up where they said they wanted me to move out. Oh ya sure, especially with all the money you give me. I'm loaded, of course I have the money to move out. Look at my car.... ya i'm being sarcastic. Its F*in ridiculous!
I don't know how I feel about my mother. She just pounds me with negativity every single day. Ever since we moved here, shes been horrible. She makes fun of everything to do with TN. She thinks everyone is stupid, and is constantly telling me to lock doors, carry pepper spray, close my blinds, look around, and not to talk to men. She honest to God thinks that people are out to hurt each other. I just cannot stand to here such bad news every day. Its making me depressed.
I guess I'm just not myself. I really would like to move out. But I'd need a car first.
On a good note, Eric came in this weekend for fall break. We didn't fight at all! We partied with his cousins, and cuddled the whole weekend lol. It was pretty much perfect. I got him Madden 2006 for his birthday, and I know he's going to have fun with that. I still can't believe that we're going to be 20! It amazes me. I love him so much! thanks for the great weekend pumpkin ;)
Work is work. For some random reason Greg has decided to work me this Saturday! WTF... I never work Saturdays, I babysit and spend the rest of the time with Eric. Not only is it a Saturday, its 5 until midnight. Sure make the girl without the car work until midnight.... errrrrr I really need the money, otherwise i'd say F that lol.
I'm off to bed, sorry for not being myself... I don't know whats wrong with me. Blah