More Fucking Drama

Feb 20, 2006 14:11

So I beat the fuck outta Josh's baby momma last night. She called my phone and asked to talk to Josh. (Now that takes nerve) She was trying to start a fight between us. well needless to say it didn't work. She called and talked shit for three hours before she finally came to my house and then I beat the fuck outta her. Laura kicked her momma's ass while I kicked Shasta's ass. I got a black eye but that bitch went to the hospital last night to get her face sowed back together. They're tryin to say that I had nucks and get me for assault with a deadly weapon. I think I caved her skull in. She was bleeding really bad when she left my house. She was in the car yelling "momma come on let's get outta here come on momma let's leave momma come on" God it was funny. I was just like what bitch talk some more shit you want some more. The investergator is suspose to call me and let me know if they're gonna come arrest me. They're gonna hafta prove I had nucks and I didn't so . . . I'm not too worried about it. Marcus, Blake and some other guy all signed statements against me sayng I had nucks. If they arrest me I won't be in there but three days tops so oh fucking well. . . . .It was worth it I feel so much better now My Daddy worked Shasta and her momma he said we beat them up pretty bad but he couldn't tell me any thing. The police was at my house until 2 in the morning. Dad was there and never once checked on me he stayed outside talkin to the police the whole time never even asked about me. And he saw what she looked like when I got thru. If I was him and saw her I think I'd be going to check on my daughter. Instead he went with the bitch to the hospital. well that was my night fun fun but I'm gonna go for now ttyl lyl PEACE LOVE & SHRUMS!!!!!!!!!!!
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