Mar 18, 2009 12:16
My guinea pigs are headed off to a farm. And by farm I mean a real farm and not the farm your parents say they take your pet to when they put them to sleep.
I have been thinking the past few months that the boys aren't getting the attention they used to. They get food, water, and a clean place to live, but they don't get interaction. I posted on FB saying that I wanted to find them good home and one of my cousins commented saying she will take them.
She is an animal lover like me and lives on a farm with cats, dogs, birds, cows, goats, rabbits, and gerbils. Can you think of a better place for them to go? Not to mention she has 3 boys who will play with them.
I know they are going to a good home, one better than I can give them, but it still makes me feel sick to my stomach. I always get animals for life, I feel like I am a failure in that respect right now. I love my pigs, they give me joy, but at the same time they don't get everything they need and deserve with me. I guess I am just being responsible by admitting this and doing something about it.
In the end it means alot less stress for both Aaron and I. We are going to be moving in May or June and already have a cat and 2 fish tanks to move, it will be much easier not having guinea pigs to worry about also. Plus less animals to possibly pay a pet deposit for.
I have known for a while this is what is best for them, but finally admitting it and doing it is the hardest part. For 2 years they have given me happiness. I met them while I was still in school, I drew blood on them and have been their primary caretaker since they arrived. Guinea pigs will always have a special place in my life, but my time as having them as pets is over. I have 3 more days with them and then on Saturday we drive to Southern MN and drop them off at their new home.