A bill to ban horse slaughter has already been passed by the U.S. House of Representatives (House Resolution HR503), and a companion Senate Bill (S1915) will soon come up for a vote in the Senate. Pro-slaughter ban constituents are deluging their Senators with e-mail messages, telephone calls, and letters urging their Senators to vote in favor of S1915.
If the ban becomes law, it would *NOT* affect the sad but sometimes necessary practice of humanely putting down horses who are undergoing unmitigatable suffering or are unable to recover from catastrophic illnesses or injuries, which is as it should be.
If you are interested in helping this cause, below I have included links to one of your Senators' "fill-in-the-blanks" e-mail contact forms.
Senator Norm Coleman (R - MN)
http://coleman.senate.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=Contact.ContactForm Umm, please at least think about helping this cause. American people don't even eat horse meat, why do we need to slaughter our horses for other countries delicacies?!