May 03, 2011 13:02
Day 25: What are some of the stuff that you have done that you are very proud of? What did you have to go through to achieve what you set for? How do you keep yourself motivated?
Graduating high school, going back to school at University now and doing fairly well (aside from statistics)
I don't know how to keep myself motivated lol
Day 26: Do you think customer service is important (in shopping centre or restaurant)? What would you do if you had a bad experience? Ignore or raise a complain? Do you think the standard of customer service is getting better or worst?
Yes, I would say something. I don't think that's something we can really judge because it's different literally in every single store. Even the ones that are the same company, it really depends on the specific person working there.
Day 27: Share your favourite childhood treats, games and hobbies! Do you still have your belongings?
we played a lot of barbies and stuff like that. idk, if I do, they're in the garage.
Day 28: What is the craziest thing (in your own opinion) that you've ever done? What made you do it? What did people think of it? Did you regret it or would you do it again? Share pictures, if you have any.
I honestly can't think of anything.
Day 29: If you could be anywhere in the world, but you had to be there for a certain cause, where would you be and why?
I don't know... this question doesn't make any sense to me.