May 18, 2004 16:04
Legal Name: Kristine Erin Guiles
Nicknames: Kegs
DOB: December 30, 1982
Place of Birth: Flint, Michigan
Ethnic Background(s): Polish
Languages spoken: English
Current school: MCC
Past School(s): Carter Elementary, Kuehn-Haven Middle, Hill-McCloy High, and Eastern Michigan University
Closest friends: You know who you are :)
Significant Other: Eric <3
Children: None
Siblings: Stephen, Nicole, Keri, Dale, and Erika
Living Arrangements: Parents
Pets: Buddy, Shadow, and Focker
Desired pets: Dog of my own when I get out on my own
Answer this....
Where is your ideal paradise?: Some place warm where I can wear flip-flops and bathing suit all day long
What three people would you take with you on a desserted island?: Can it only be 2 people *wink*
Are you in love?: Yes
Crunchy or soft tacos?: Soft
Do you get along with any of your exes?: Strangely... yes
Do you secretly despise any of your friends?: Naw
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?: A possibly married... Happy
Which friends do you still see yourself having in 10?: We will see
What is your ideal profession?: Thinking about changing my major in my 3rd year of school... how stupid am I?
Do you believe in God?: Yes
Have you seen The Passion of The Christ?: No
If so, what do you think?:
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: Married with children... hopefully
How old were you when you lost your virginity, if ever?: 17
With whom?: Steve P.
Who was your first kiss?: Jason M.
Did you ever become friends with a sworn enemy?: Yep
Did you have feelings for a friends lover?: Nopers
Have you ever cheated?: Does it count when he was cheating on me ... didn't talk to him for 2 weeks and so I kissed another guy... if so ... then yes
Whats your favorite restaurant?: Olive Garden
What would you order if you went?: Chicken Parmesaen
What time is it?: 8:01pm
Plan to have children in the future?: 2 or 3 I am hoping
If so, what will their names be?
Boy: Aleksander or Benjamin
Girl: Sophia or Erin
What is your most fond memory?: Too many to mention
What is your most embarrassing memory?: Saying "penis-vania" instead of pennsylvania when introducing a speaker in high school
Do you have skeletons in your closet? One or two
Whom do you wish you would never have to see again?: There are a couple... couldnt choose one
Having fun?: Oh Yea \:D/