Aug 07, 2005 16:58
As Senior year is soon approaching I have been thinking as to what I'm going to conclude in my Senior write up. Then while I was thinking about that it enabled me to think more about life and the people I have come in contact with over the years. In life we are meant to meet certain people. People who complete us in some way, help us to learn new things about ourselves and then there are some that also leave footprints in our hearts. Over the years I have met so many people. Whether the relationship was sour or sweet, each person taught me something about life and or myself.
Some people I have never had any sort of relationship with but maybe they had taken the time to ask me how I was or a complete stranger who smiled kindly at me, that probably made my day. It's amazing to think about how such small things in life can mean so much. It's the little things in life that get me by. People shouldn't overlook them because they could be missing out on something real beautiful. As for friendships... Good friends are hard to come by. I'm greatful for the few real friends I have that have stuck by me or kept in touch over the years. As for Love.. Well I heard that some people go through their whole entire lives searching and never fall inlove. Can you imagine never falling inlove? Never feeling in complete euphoria? Enjoying that sensation when two bodies slowly rub against one another..That magic when your lips brush up against the ones you care about. The one you hopelessly helplessy and recklessly fell for...It's sad to think about it.. but I'm lucky to have been able to have had that feeling..
cliche' I know.. deal with it..