Buddha isn't doing so well. :*(

Aug 17, 2006 18:41

I saw an old friend of mine at the WARM shelter today.  We were friends way back in middle school, locker partners, actually.  We sat across from each other in homeroom, had a crush on the same boy and had a few mutual friends.  I think her brother dated a friend of mine for a while, but I lost count around boyfriend #49, so who knows.  But the strange part is that I'm not really all that upset about it.  It sounds callous but I really wasn't all that surprised to see her there.  It was just one of those things where you get this sense that a person is going to lead a hard life.  She just was kind of ignorant, her social skills weren't quite there, she comes from a difficult family and she may have had a learning disability, I'm not sure.  I'm not saying that she deserves to be there, or that she belongs there or anything.  You would be surprised how the most compromised person can completely turn the tables and lead a life that people would be envious of.  It was still difficult to see her there, especially since we were closer to each other than I was to the other former classmates I've run into.  So yeah, we talked for awhile, mostly about a mutual friend who's in a difficult situation with a boyfriend (what else is new?).  Apparently this old friend has also had a lot of boyfriend trouble since I've seen her.  "I could tell you some stories" she said.  *Sigh*.  Am I the only one of my friends who has contact with relatively  normal specimens of the male species?  Here's my theory:  Westerly has become so Italian that the families have intermarried causing an increase in in-breeding resulting in some sort of psychological mutation in the male offspring.  Though that wouldn't explain a certain someone's boyfriend because he's an out-of-towner.  Never mind.  So that was that.

Buddha hasn't eaten a thing in about 4 days.  Yeah, he's starting to scare me just a little.  He barely moves off the bottom of the container.  I don't see anything that's wrong with him...like, no discolored scales or white stuff or missing fins or anything.  Since he hasn't eaten in so long, I think he may have lost the strength to swim all the way to the top and then stay there to feed.  So I temporarily put him in his old small bowl that's shallower so hopefully he'll be able to get some food in him.  But if he won't eat I don't know what else I can do.  HELP!!

I finally saw my friend that I've been so worried about this week.  There was this HUGE blowout with her boyfriend Saturday night.  She packed some stuff up and left the apartment and drove on a random trip to Connecticut where she just hung out in a shopping area for awhile to just think and stuff.  Her boyfriend calls me twice, saying she was saying stuff to make him feel guilty and it was just scary.  She calls me to tell me that she's staying with her cousin for the night and I don't hear from her for 5 days.  I tried calling her cell but it went right to answering machine so I was so scared for her.  I went by the boyfriend's house and saw her car there but I couldn't call her.  So today I'd had enough and just went to the apartment and it turns out that they made up, her cellphone smashed on the sidewalk and that's why she hadn't called me or anything.  I'm not happy that they're back together because I know it's not a healthy relationship and it's potentially dangerous for both of them so...yeah.  I thought she might have been mad at me because I hung up on her boyfriend but she wasn't.  Thank God.  I'll admit, I was so angry when he called me.  I kind of automatically blamed it all on him and that wasn't right.  She isn't exactly contributing to a healthy relationship herself.  But I'm going to shut up on that now.  There's just so much going on and there's so many levels and it's so frustrating.  I'm frustrated and I'm not the one living with the guy.  Jeez.

I've got to get back to school, these entries just keep getting more and more depressing.  There is some good news, though.  I went to the Washington County Fair with my parents last night, that was fun.  I was worried about my friend, though so I was kinda overshadowed by that.  The band that was playing was HORRIBLE!!  They were playing all these old 50s music like the "Twist" and "Shout" and stuff, music that I like to dance to...but they were just butchering the songs!!  They couldn't decide which key they were in so each one sang a different key and hoped they'd figure it out by the refrain.  And the lead singer was tone deaf.  Sorry, but he was.  Who allows these people through the gates?  They shouldn't have even made it into the parking lot they were that bad.  Another nice thing that happened, we had some newspaper come into Kidz 'n the Kitchen today.  They're doing a piece on our interior designer and came to the space to photograph her work, interview her and Johanna, take some pictures of yours truly checking out the stove and stuff.  It was fun.  But I'm tired and my fingers are getting tired.  Tty'all lata, miss u sjc peoples!!
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