A spring weekend worth recording

Apr 04, 2011 00:43


Juhani Pallasmaa spoke on Friday evening on the poetry of architecture, comparing it to literature and painting. Entitled "Landscapes of Architecture", it did exactly as I had hoped, ie, inspire me to rediscover the beauty and joy of architecture. I immensely enjoyed it despite the lower than desired warmth of the University.

K and J arrived with a huge box of Chinese Food from Noodle Cafe. General Tso's tofu was excellent. After the meal, we ate Fortune Cookies and Nazook that K had brought. The other K, had, as usual, hit the couch and enjoyed a post prandial nap. J, K and I had very lazy game of Scrabble, while K slept and D dozed as his work laptop. A quiet, but pleasant end to a week filled with sickness and stress at work.


K was back to being a happy, cute, and thankfully un-sick child. I thoroughly enjoyed reading her stories on the potty and playing with her as we both got ready. Poor D was working hard on his production release. The drive to J's place was gorgeous. Tons of people celebrating the weather in Forest Park, running, flying kites etc. At J's places, Tater (Trader) tots were hot, M & her brother S were there as well as J&K. Despite the oatmeal at home, K ate boat loads of Tater tots and 2.5 blueberry waffles. The match progressed very satisfactorily while the spring sun shone on the dogwood and redbud blossoms outside from a blue sky.

I called Appa and Neelu to share India's win. It was fun to be with friends who were all into the game. K napped while I caught highlights of the previous innings. Around 3pm, I dropped M & S home so they could catch their lost morning sleep (they had woken at 4am to watch from the beginning).

At home, family reunited. Chinese leftovers for lunch while K snacked. We then took my flat bike tire to Big Shark. $54 later (new tire & tube) we were off. Through Demun, Clayton and some other really gorgeous, picturesque and cozy neighborhoods. K was really enjoying seeing me ride along and D was glad to finally share a ride with us both. We both loved sharing life with our little one.

Through Forest Park at a speed that challenged my thighs, we rode to M's house again, where we woke M & S up prematurely. Back into the gorgeous day, we stopped at Forest Park playground and told a Minneapolis family (on their way from Orlando) where to go for Ice Cream (the loop). I returned early to get K's dinner ready.

Meanwhile K called with the deal that he'd accompany me to the dance party if we left right away for the Pakistani meal. Got dressed up to party, only to arrive there and find that Sarees and Kurtas was the code for the Holi celebration. C, A & and their friend J had come. Food was good, but danced with us.

DJ Dhol Raj (who has adopted the name I have christened him with without knowing it was my idea) played for an enthu, mixed crowd. I danced hard and furiously, feeling my thighs burn and my knees complain. Best shoes I've ever danced in. Home by 11pm, there was time to read a book before bed.


K woke up bawling at 6am. She was running around nanga upstairs when I told her that K-mama had come. She ran to her closet and insisted on putting on clothes before she was willing to go downstairs to greet him.

32 mins around the wind buffeted perimeter before we caught up with J again. K wisely did his own round while J rode a geared bike for the first time. We stretched, sun saluted and enjoyed the warmth of the sun in the cool air. Back home K ate her second scrambled egg, and debated between brunch at Cafe Madeleine / Wildflower cafe, or the Temple.

Played the djembe for a solid hour, and enjoyed our family time. J&K went to the temple, and we picked up M&S on the way to Tower Grove Park. K tucked into bread pudding, croissant and strawberries there. The ducks and the spring blossoms made for a charming, lazy, post brunch walk. K began her nap in the car. At home, I put my feet up with my book, but fell asleep over it and napped blissfully, despite being torn by wanting to wake up and read.

After K awoke, I played the djembe again, and we thoroughly enjoyed our little cutie who was perfectly happy again. We went out to do yard work, and she amused herself going back and forth between us, also celebrating the weather and the wind on her face. I weeded the entire driveway and cleaned up while D bagged the bushes.

I found a good recipe for Collard green poriyal and made super Capsicum Sambaar as well as managed to knock out 6 fabulous fulkas before waking Derek up from his night-nap. His throat is headed the same direction that mine did.

Now, it's time to work on my department Schedule, but I'm exhausted. It will be a pleasure to cap this gorgeous weekend with a good night's rest.

indian culture, family, life event, cooking, parenting, friendships, st. louis, children, confidence

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