Obama addresses Muslims

Jun 05, 2009 09:39

Finally found the full video of his speech at the Huffington Post.

What strikes me anytime Obama addresses the world is the legitimacy of his knowledge about it. When he speaks about Zakah (Muslim charity tax) or the Copts of Egypt or the Hijab (veil), there is the sense that he's heard about these concepts long BEFORE his speech writer explained them to him the previous day. That he's not only familiar with the ideas, but that he has already factored them into his world view and therefore his opinions on how the world works and how it can be bettered. This is something that I never felt with Bush.

Another idea that resounds in Obama's rhetoric, campaign and various aspects of his pre-political and post-political life is the idea of compromise and acceptance. He puts in simple language an idea that seems difficult for many to grasp - Israel isn't just going to go away. Nor is Palestine. So he asks how to build a compromise that both can live with. He's a man who has long had the skill of finding meeting ground. I hope that plays out in his leadership role as well.

He's a good speaker, yes, but unlike President Clinton his speeches are not good primarily because of his personal charm or delivery. They're good because there is legitimate content, backed by personal opinion and integral character.

politics, american culture, democracy, delivery and content, political responsibility

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