Dec 24, 2004 12:05
It's Christmas Eve - and there's no Christmas cheer anywhere. Sure, we have it inside ourselves.. But where's the snow? I really hope tonight it does snow, even though it's suspose to rain. :\ Erg.
Oh well, the only thing I wanted this Christmas - I have. My brother is home, and he's happy about it. His old friends are home too. And they're all hanging out like the good ole days when he actually lived here. It's so heart-filling to see him smile and mean it. Ah, I love family. :)
Tonight I have to sleep at Aunt Judy's because mom and them are. Erg. I really don't want to. But mom said if I didn't I couldn't go to Leading Tickles on Boxing Day. So, I guess I will. It's not like I'll be there for long. I'll leave hom around 12am-ish, maybe earlier. And I'll be back home around 6am? Heh. Enough about that.
I think I'll stop typing for now. Not really in the mood. Goodbye everyone. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! :]