~ Joe and i are good.
Hes a good guy!
ugh of all people! he really REALLY had a lot of nerve to call me.
but at least we are cool now. but he wants to hangout, and see me or whatever. (he shaved his head!) lol i wanna tell him
anyway He knows i have a boyfriend, and plus it be really improper! and well just WIERD!
i mean its different if i was with a bunch of friends i just rather just be cool with one another and that's it.
The doctor has not called me yet! I wanna see how the x-ray truned out. it be cool to see my heart
and lungs and stuff, but of course then again with there is something wrong
then it wont be cool to see it. The doctor so far it just thinks the nerve endings are irritated from my lungs rubbing against my ribs and cause my heart and abdomen, half of my spine hurt and immpossibe to move and breath!
ugh! the medication he gave me EW! i hate it man! it makes me so dizzy and ehhhhhhhhhhh
i wont be able to drive
and so i am not gonna take it anymore cuz it was only to stop the pain. oh i have a job interview at areo but since i kinda dont care about really getting that job i prob will get it because thats just my luck!
Cuz this girl Amanda works there i wont say the last name, but dont worry Erin its not Mandi G kk! but its always one sided with her if you wanna be her firend you have to make the all the effort and i only have so much energy now. exspecialy when i have be having those painful attacks and i cant move or breath! well i miss everyone and hope to see you soon! awwwwww look at what joe said! SWEETenSaSSy88 [10:33 A.M.]: soo
SWEETenSaSSy88 [10:33 A.M.]: how has your day been so far
k0tt0n42o [10:34 A.M.]: the best day cause im talkin to you
k0tt0n42o [10:34 A.M.]: :-D
k0tt0n42o [10:34 A.M.]: great
SWEETenSaSSy88 [10:35 A.M.]: lol well t hen you'll always have the best day cuz we always will talk! i love talking to you too!
SWEETenSaSSy88 [10:35 A.M.]: :-*
k0tt0n42o [10:35 A.M.]: lol
k0tt0n42o [10:35 A.M.]: YAY!!!!