Score! It's a Wednesday. I love Wednesdays, especially when its spring!! So. Anyways, I am absolutely sick of Romeo and Juliet. Besides the fact that it is a tragedy and does not have a happy ending, I want to kill Romeo...well before he kills himself. Except he already did..? *phew* He whines and complains and is so wrapped up in his own little obnoxious world of love that he's not thinking clearly at all. Oh! let's just go out and kill my 13 year old wife's cousin and then run back to my little friend Friar and then try to kill myself because i'm banished.'s an idea! Take your wife and just leave. Oh! smart one. *sigh* Shakespeare gosh. So after english I went on a wild goose chase with Katherine to find this hot guy..? So Emily and I have decided that he is part of the russian mafia, has 6 kids in Russia and a wife from Hong Kong. Oh the thinks you can think when you don't know anything about a guy but you time PERFECTLY when he is going to pass you in the halls. Crazy Katherine haha. So at lunch Rob proceeded to tell me how I am a druggie. Me: Ughhh I forgot to take my medicine for my cough. Rob: You have cough syrup in your bag? Me: Yeah, the nurse wasn't there in the morning so I had no choice shh. It has codeine in it and its making me wicked tired. Rob: CODEINE?! Ahhh DRUGGIE!. well I think you get the point, from there it just progressed. Last block of the day, Math. Usually pretty good, we go over the homework, start a new section, do a worksheet and then do the homework. But lately I haven't been doing so well on my tests. I got an 84 on a chapter test! 84 isn't that bad I guess but I usually get in the 90's and now I have B average which is bad...for the parental unit. I was kinda hoping to be able to show one report card to them this year..? After school I went shopping which was hell because my grandparents take like forever and a half. Then we went to pick up Sir Daniel and Jacob, then off to TYT. TYT is definitely the highlight of my day, usually my week.It was Troy's birfday- Happy Birthday! and we did the Jungle scene (??) again..and again. So here are 2 anonymous letters for the evening, shudup i'm to lazy to write more. still some unclaimed from the last batch so check!
Letter 1:
Dear You,
"You've got a friend in me, you've got a friend in me. When the road looks rough ahead and you're miles and miles from your nice warm bed, just remember what your old pal said: Boy, you've got a friend in me." We met sort of awkwardly..? But I'm so happy we met. You always make me laugh, even when i'm in a not-so-good mood and your always there for emotional support. I wish we were closer but that's my fault, no worries though, I'm glad your my friend :) You're funny, caring, beautiful and carefree but I recently discovered your inner beauty. I was deeply moved by something you said and then I knew that you weren't just all fun and laughs. We talked it over and my respect for you grew as I realized what a mature, strong, young woman you are. You made me realize my mistakes in a situation because you didn't get emotionally involved, and for once, I could calm down and not feel guilty for hurting everyone around me. I love you my dear friend and know that I am always here for you, no matter what, I'll always make time for you. <3
Letter 2:
Dear You,
"So your anger didn't carry you too far, what did you expect anyways? There's no patience left in your shattered little self , you haven't got a fucking thing to say." Yeah, so I normally don't agree with the anonymous letters of hate but seeing you as you would never read this...I'm going for it. I hate you, flat out I just hate you. Maybe I hate you because I thought we were friends and then you dump me because I wouldn't go out with you or play your stupid little games, or maybe I hate you because You're moody and you have anger management problems, you take them out on me and then apologize later. Unfortunately, when you lash out on someone so many times it begins to add up. You don't understand that words hurt, really bad, and when you yelled at me and then used something that I told you about myself against me, it was the final straw. You really just are a terrible person, I thought you were nice and caring but you use people. You make them feel unworthy and helpless. I hope someday, you learn from your mistakes or you are just going to go through life alone. So goodbye to you, my ignorant friend.
*phew* well now, I'm off to bed. <33