How very peculiar

Dec 29, 2010 17:44

Yahoo loves popping up links when I'm checking my mail. I have a tendancy to read them all out of boredom, after all they're generally only a couple minute's worth of reading and some of them are hilarious. Most aren't. This one in particular was pretty dull, but one thing about it did jump out at me. It essentially a list of things that you "should" or "shouldn't" consider as "acceptable" in a partner's past. but here's the bit that caught my eye:

"All their exes are very attractive:
You know this because you went online to have a snoop and you wish you hadn’t because it’s made you feel too fat/thin/pale/short/lanky (delete as appropriate)."

Is it just me or does anyone else spot what's wrong with that sentence.

Got it yet?

"Too fat or too thin, compared to their exes".
"Too short or too tall, compared to their exes".
"Too pale compared to their exes."

But it's apparently impossible to be "too dark".

A genuine oversight? Or an example of people being so afraid of being labelled as "racist" for no damn reason that they can't even insinuate that some of us might actually prefer pale skin aesthetically without necessarily being nazis.

Relatedly, OK Cupid's data tells a story of it's own. The whole of OKTrends in fact is worth a look, I'm not a user of OKCupid itself for anything other than silly personality tests but the amount of data they have, and the analysis of it, is quite interesting reading despite it's various flaws.

Postscript: In the interest of "full disclosure": I do visually prefer paler skin, as it happens. I also visually prefer a curvy hourglass shape on women and a muscular build on men. However, that doesn't mean I outright hate rake-thin models or highly obese people, not does it mean I hate people just because of their skin colour. It's all just aesthetics and that's no reason to hate anyone ;).
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