A good two days for pheasants (and for me!)

Apr 22, 2005 12:56

Yesterday workwise was rather dull as we had an "away day" on setting business objectives. BORING! I like the old ladies and a few other bits but start talking about "service development" and I am graced with a feeling of impending doom. So, as you may gather, setting business objectives is not really my thing. The best bit of the day included:

1. The drive there: I was driven by one of the others, through the Great Park and trotting along at the side of the road were TWO Live boys AND one Live girl. I have been plagued by the notion recently that all the compressed partidges I have spied may actually have been hen pheasants. (I want to call them "peapheasants" like peacocks/peahens but that is not what they are called, so I shall refrain). Even more Dead Pheasants than already on the quota does not bear thinking about and as Dead Boy Pheasants are easier to distinguish from the partidges than Dead Girl Pheasants it should really be a tally of "Dead Boy Pheasants vs Live Pheasants Of Either Sex" (but that's a bit of a mouthful). Anyway, the good news is the tally is now 17-8 to the Dead Pheasants.

2. Telling one of my colleagues from my last post about my Hospital Radio endeavours (really felt alive talking about it).

3. Sitting outside in the sun at lunch looking at the Canadian geese and the coot with the gammy leg.

4. Listening to all the speakers and trying to judge whether they would have good voices for radio.

5. Standing at the lectern type thing and feeding back our group's information over the microphone. I tried to use interesting vocabulary, tone and phrasing. One day I hope to fully master the English language.

You may tell from this that I really want to do the radio thing.

Oh poo, I have just realised my lunchbreak is over (one day I also hope to master basic mental arithmetic). There is much more to talk about from the last two days, most notably the awesome night out with the coolest ferret of the sky.

Now back to measuring old ladies.
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