Apr 02, 2007 12:52
or something ...
did y'all see this? low-fat yogurt as birth control? THAT must be why my mom's fed it to me every day since i was a kid: According to data gleaned from the Nurses Health Study at the Harvard School of Public Health and published earlier this year in the journal Human Reproduction, women who consume ice cream at least twice a week have a 38 percent lower risk of ovulation-related infertility than those who indulge a mere once a week. What’s more, the piously health-conscious - women who eat two or more servings of low-fat dairy products, particularly yogurt, a week - are twice as likely to have trouble becoming pregnant as those who eat less than one serving of the skinny stuff.
excellent! i recommend brown cow, stonybrook farm, and trader joe's varieties. i wonder if soy yogurt has similar benefits?
the idea that i am "piously health-conscious" makes me giggle, or would, if i weren't so full of phlegm. i'm so sick i'm home today, despite the huge amounts of stuff i have to do at the office. it's a vicious cycle, actually: i think the work-stress made me sick. saturday night, i took some NyQuil and fell into the following dream.
ESTER sits at her computer at the office, looking at one of several multi-colored Excel spreadsheets.
FIRST VOICE whispers: Ester, go to sleep!
SECOND VOICE replies: She can't. She's collating.
FIRST VOICE: I am the almighty God NyQuil and I DEMAND she go to sleep!
SECOND VOICE: Fuck off, NyQuil, you powerless woodland sprite -- can't you see she has work to do?
ESTER wakes up in the midst of a panic attack. Takes some xanax, manages to calm down, falls back asleep. No voice dares go up against the demon lord Xanax.
To make things worse, of course, Passover starts tonight. Nothing says health, happiness, and recovery like 8 days of matzoh. On the other hand, I'm kinda looking forward to the horseradish.
AND I did my taxes over the weekend, while unable to do anything actually fun. I owed the IRS just under $1200. Excuse me for wanting to crawl under a couch somewhere and make like a dust bunny.