Apr 18, 2005 20:58
So I definately woke up crying this morning and couldn't stop until like the end of first period (thats a solid 3 and a half hours) and I haven't laughed since about 1 o'clock yesterday. . . and if any of you know me. . .thats pretty crazy. These past four months have got to have been some of the best of my life and I am already missing those who I will not see very often if not at all anymore. Music is just therapy for me now. . .something to pass the time. Its so hard to fall for someone and then not be able to see them but 3 minutes every other day and sometimes on weekends. And its even harder to know that those who have changed your life in a way that you can't even begin to describe will be graduating and leaving you for a very long time. These brilliant people that I have been in the presence with in the past 4 months are just all going their seperate ways, as am I. And its not just that fact, but also that it is so abrupt. I have seen them every single day except for weekends and spring break for 4 months. . .and yeah that doesn't sound like much, but I have become so close with many of them. They were my family during that time, and I still consider them as such. . .my extended family. They have inspired me and I will never forget those practices. . .they ones that ran until midnight. . . the ones in the very beginning, watching people come into their character. . .sitting back stage and venting about all the homework left to do. . . grouped around a cosmo making fun of the ridiculous articles (if you can even call them that). . . choreographing dances, working on accents, making friends, having sword fights w/ pvc piping, tripping over sets, painting sets,having y pahties and movie nights, tag team dancing, spilling our guts to whomever will listen, screwing around at tech week, trying on costumes, and when in all comes to a conclusion, two kick *ss performances that have been called the best in bowsher's history from some very highly acclaimed sources (mrs. metcalf and all the other costume moms who have worked on every show since we started putting them on). I love these people and letting go is never easy. . . but alas there is homework that calls to which I must attend to. oh the joy of post-musical depression.