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1. What do you believe is the greatest unsolved mystery of all?
The Woman
2. Which of the seven dwarfs personifies you best - Dopey, Sneezy, Sleepy, Bashful, Grumpy, Happy, or Doc?
Sleepy - he has right idea about life...sleep,sleep and of course sleep
3. If you could pick any two people in the history of the world to be your parents (besides your real ones) who would those two people be?
Hebe of course and erm... Richard?
i would be an english/science teacher but suck at maths of course
4. What is the most romantic thing you've ever done for anyone?
I have NO idea,
i should be nicer to people.
5. If you could possess one supernatural ability, what would it be?
Levetation so could fly on my guitar.
or fire power because thats just cool
6. What is the one thing you'd most like to change about the world?
The fact that if you hug a boy you automatically fancy them.
7. Is it easier to forgive or to forget?
Well for me forget, becaue i forget everything.
8. If you could read the private diary of any person in the world, whose would it be?
Hebes. Nothing more to say
9. You have accomplished a difficult task and hear someone else taking the credit. How do you deal with the situation?
Get my samarai swords and practise the art of Santōryū on them...even though i dont have any swords...
10. If you could spend one year in perfect happiness but afterward would remember nothing of the experience, would you do so?
wouldn't make a difference i would forget it anyway
11. What is the most imaginative thing you ever did as a child?
it's a secret...too embarrasing
12. If you could star in a love scene with any living actor or actress, whom would you want to act with, and where would you want it filmed?
i wouldn't care who i was with as long as i was a pirate of ninja or both.
13. If you could take a one-month trip anywhere in the world and money were not a consideration, where would you go?
Japan its just too awesome
14. What is the most important thing in any relationship?
Love,Music and Trust.
15. If you could teach your mate to do one thing, what would it be?
To play drums so we could start a band.
16. What is the best example of "perfection" that you can think of?
17. If you could eliminate one habit your mate has, what would you have them stop doing?
Stop hugging me so hard tomake me squeak. I AM NOT A DOG TOY!.
18. You are given the power to see the solution of one of history's "unsolved mysteries." What secret would you pick to uncover?
19. You're driving your car late at night and come to a red light. If there are no cars in either direction, would you stop?
Probably to fix the radio or something.
20. If you could, in retrospect, thank one person for what they taught you, who would it be, and what would you thank them for?
I would thank my guitar teacher. Just because I dont know who to thank.
21. Do good things come to those who wait?
I guess.
22. If you had to choose someone to sleep with your mate, whom would you pick?
I dont know...what a lame question.
23. What is the worst vacation you ever took?
One of my many french trips. France is just boring now.
24. Do you dress the same when you are depressed as you do when you are very happy?
No i usually wear colours when im happy.
25. If the statement, 'You are what you eat' was true, I would be a ________.