Mar 06, 2005 19:19
man this weekend was pretty sweet.
i went bowling, did relaly bad at first caause i havent used my own ball in a while.. but the 2nd and 3rd game i came back... 167 my highest that day.
i went to costco and ate all the free samples, becuase i was starving, and i was full by the end. i had some mahi mahi (sp?), shrimp scampi, chicken fingers, chili, jelly beans, and i washed it all down with grape soda. they really fill you up there with all those samples.
i then drove to blockbuster and got some (3) movies
two of them were low budget films, awesome plots, but pretty bad acting.
the other was that new surf documentray "riding giants" --- really good.
i fixed my dads wifes old record player, and i can borrow it for a while, im going to go get me some records from the thrift to play on it. 'twill be wiiild.
i woke up around 9, call the reports, nothingggg.... buttt i know that there was a swell coming down, so i planned on going ot the beach a little later to meet up with michael jordan.. no not the basketball player... hes a photographer..
so i waited unitll around 1130, and went down.. it was probably less than knee- to knee when i got there. but within a half hour or so it built to waist, then to chest. some pretty nice sets coming in... not too powerful for short boarding at first, but it got better for that. i borrowed michaels longboard and was using that a bit. so yeah he got some pictrues of me, said hed get them to me around thursday.
i came home and ate, now im really tired.
yeah so im winning like 5 cds on ebay.. again. i need to stop.. man ebay is really addicting.