Jul 09, 2007 13:24
I think my bed is a different universe in itself. In every place I've lived, I make my own space. If I don't have it, I go crazy looking for it, because alone time makes me normal. My bedroom here is tiny. There is just enough room for my bed and my clothes and a little table. So, it is really a bed room... bedroom. The fact that I don't spend a whole lot of time in there makes the time I do have recharging really fantastic. Today is the first day in quite awhile that I fell asleep when I wanted to and woke up when I wanted to and felt rested. I'm still looking for my self.
And finally, Bear Grylls drank his own pee! But I missed it.
Now I have to go make espresso for the Ipswich community.
"There is never nothing going on. There are no ordinary moments."
If you haven't seen it, rent Peaceful Warrior.