Firearms and Ammunition market.

Jul 29, 2009 10:07

As some of you know I am into guns, and making ammo and managed to make some extra money to buy more boomsticks by buying and selling the right things at the right time.
Right now the ammo, reloading components and the firearms market is insane, a giant cluster-fuck of rip-off after rip-off.   About a year ago prices for copper, brass, aluminum and steel sky rocketed. On top of that economy started to go in the shitter and the dollar took a real beating in the exchange rate. During this time almost all manufacturers of ammunition and ammo components along with firearms manufacturers jacked up their prices some as high as 15% for firearms, bullets pretty much doubled in price. This was about a year ago. Prices for raw materials such as copper brass and steel have long since have come down hard, dollar exchange rate became better and stable (other currencies went in the shitter too that’s why dollar looks better now I think). Prices were still kept high as if using the old raw material prices which have long ago went way down.


Two months before the election I read the writing on the wall McInsane was not getting elected. Since people have two modes  GRAZE or STAMPEDE

I borrowed some money and bought some components for myself and some extra that would be needlessly gobbled up at inflated prices in the stampede of morons.


Boom! As soon as Obama get elected there is a run on EVERYTHING!!! Especially ammunition and reloading components. Primers for bullets? Out of stock no back orders! Powder?! Out of stock no back orders! Ammo? Went from 300$ for a case of .223 to 800 FOR THE SAME FUCKING CASE!!!! 800!!!!!!!

All the tools and presses for reloading are sold out and backordered.

Firearms? Don’t get me started on that! Stores were completely cleaned out!!!

What is the response of the firearms and ammunition industry? Jack up the prices even more again!

Not that I blame them! Capitalism and all. People are paying insane inflated prices for everything !!!

I call it the STUPID TAX. 800$ rifles were selling for 2000$.

A disturbingly large part of these panic buyers were simply wigging out because we have a black man as a president in the white house.

The panic is slowly dying down and ammo and firearms are becoming slowly available again.

Manufacturers jacked up their prices again, citing demand and supply.

Here is my prediction of what is going to happen next:

By the time thanksgiving comes around the stampede will be long over.

People maxed out their credit cards spent too much money on inflated ammo and firearms prices and have no funds or inclination to pay the new inflated prices.

Panic buyers left their ammo and guns in the closet or under the bed, because for them it’s a magical talisman that wards off criminals all by itself. They will never buy another firearm or bother buying more ammo or going shooting for that matter.
After this the firearms and ammo manufacturers are going to be in a financial hurt locker for about a year maybe more. Because every  one already spent too much money and maxed out their

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