Dec 19, 2005 21:03
You ever notice that when you look back on your life that you can look back on it in slices? Each slice of your life has it's own feel, smell, and emotional story to it... then suddenly does a turnabout and you're on a new slice that doesn't resemble the previous slice in any way, shape, or form other than the fact that you are part of all of them? Well... a new slice is starting... I've always been able to tell when they're coming up. Maybe it's just a change in me and I feel it happening and I just kinda' bounce it onto everyone around me. Either way, I've never been wrong once in my life on the subject and I don't expect this time is any different. I'm about to have a different set of friends. Few key players still in the mix. Maybe I just wake up every couple years and shut down after every life-moving amount of pain rolls over me for a year or so before I re-awaken. Does it matter what I know? Life is going to roll on with or without me, glad I've stuck it out this long to know the people that call me friend. I am proud of my friends... every single goddamn one of you. You're my frickin' family. I've always been amused at the thought of how those who are closest to me are the ones that hardly ever talk to me because there's some fucked up situation that keeps us apart but always feel the closest and can still see me as if I was around yesterday the next time they see me. In my soul, that's the kinda' warm, fuzzy, goofy shit I call family. End of mushy outburst. Now go read something more interesting. :P