Quiz stolen from PhantasmaMorgan

Sep 02, 2005 13:45

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Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) Would bellaanne be a better ninja or pirate? Pirate!
2) How would bellaanne kill blkphysh? With great imagination I am sure.
3) If phantasmamorgan were hanging off a cliff, what would bellaanne do? She'd save her. Duh! They tight like that, yo.
4) How many monkeys could phantasmamorgan fight at once and win against? Need more data for honest answer. Are they ninja monkeys, normal monkeys, or some other variety? Are they armed? Are they cute?
5) What is phantasmamorgan's shoe size? Just right. :P
6) What song/movie would you recommend to bellaanne? The Neverending Story (the original only)
7) What mental disorder does la_voyageur remind you of? Pyrophilia
8) Do you have a crush on raaaaaaawr? Fuck yes.
9) What is bellaanne allergic to? Stupid people
10) Does bellaanne have a big secret? That's confidential.
11) If blkphysh was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? The vile Sunday Driver!
12) What rank would bellaanne have in a giant robot army? Commander
13) If blkphysh had a superpower, what would it be? Wondetwin power: Form of... a lightning rod! ;P
14) What exotic animal would raaaaaaawr like as a pet? A totoro.
15) Where was blkphysh born? A hospital? I'm just guessing.
16) Is blkphysh introverted or extroverted? Both.
17) Is phantasmamorgan related to you? No.
18) Which of your friends should phantasmamorgan go out with? None of the guys... she would probably get along well with some of the girls tho'.
19) What would you do if la_voyageur died? Hide the evidence and bury the body. :D (Joke!)
20) What is phantasmamorgan's biggest flaw? She takes too many quizzes. ;) (also a joke! don't hurt me...)
21) Would you ever date la_voyageur? Hell yeah! Sexy, sexy brain. Oooo baby...
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