and the winner is........

Sep 13, 2009 08:30

On Friday night the agency I run, won a national award for our suicide prevention project (9 winners out of over 100 nominations cross the country). Everyone I work with, is wrapped and it's so great to receive this kind of acknowledgement for the work you do, especially when you love your work. While our agency runs a lot of different programs promoting safety in our community, there are none as close to my heart as this one because I was first employed by this agency 4.5 years ago to coordinate the research phase of the project and so its amazing to see how the program has developed over the years to now being considered a national leader in a very difficult area.

It's quite funny, but when I was first advised a couple of weeks ago I had to keep it a bit quiet, because the organisers wanted to generate their own media around the event, but on Friday night guess what else was on at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre...the Eagles club champion no prizes for guessing which event had the all the media attention, I mean football players and their gorgeous partners (not meaning to be gender neutral, but looking forward to a time when this will be necessary in the football world) in their amazing dresses can't possibly compete with a group of people around the country who are trying to do what they can to keep people alive! If I sound a bit disappointed about this, it's because I am...I saw nothing in the paper yesterday about the amazing work being done all over country but the Eagles even got a mention on the front page followed by a huge article on page 3 !

While there were many great things about receiving the awards, the best bit for me, was just after I had given my acceptance speech and when I sat down bardiegrub said she was very proud of me !
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