A is for age: 13 almost 14 in 46 days
B is for booger: ok...? lol
C is for career: i'm only 13 i'm not really thinking about that yet
D is for dad's name: Robert
E is for essential items to bring to a party: me myself and i
F is for favorite song at the moment: Switch by Will Smith (hottie)
G is for grades: lots of B's and 1 A hehe
H is for hometown: Romeo
I is for instruments you play: none but me and mandi usually play are "air" guiters.lol
J is for jam or jelly you like: jelly of course
K is for kids: none
L is for living arrangements: um...my room household?
M is for mom's name: Beth
N is for name of your best friend: Mandi Murray
O is for overnight hospital stays: i usually don't remember things like that
P is for phobia[s]: i'm tired and can't remember what that is
Q is for quote you like: "loving you is like trying to touch a star, you know it will never happen but you just have to keep trying anyways"
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: ......
S is for sexual position: pass
T is for time you wake up: um.....11:00 am
U is for unique trait: um...i can't remember what that means
V is for vegetable you love: i don't excatly love vegatbles but tomates are funny looking lol
W is for worst habit: biting my nails when i'm nervous
X is for x-rays you've had: too many to keep track of
Y is for yummy food you make: browines/cake
Z is for zodiac sign: Leo the Lion hear my roar lol
001. ] Name: mary
002. ] Gender: female
.003. ] Location: my computer room
.004. ] Height: 5'0 excatly i'm proud
.005. ] Hair color: dirty blonde
.006. ] Eye color: bright blue
.007. ] Is your hair long or short: used to be kinda short but it's growing longer
.008. ] Tattoos you have: none
» S C H O O L «
.009. ] Are you still in school: NO IT'S SUMMER VACATION
.010. ] Favorite subject: i don't know it's summer
.011. ] Least favorite subject: math and health
.012. ] Do/did you buy lunch or bring it: lets see...no ones excatly cares
» F A V O R I T E «
.013. ] Number: 2 and 5 are cool numbers
.014. ] Clothing brand: i like alot of stores/brands so yeah..
.015. ] TV show: Full House and some disney channel shows are cool lol
.016. ] Fruit: um...i've begining to like strawberrys
.017. ] Movie: i'm not sure i like alot of movies
.018. ] Scent: Vanilla Candles and whatever smells delciously good
.019. ] Ice cream flavor: cookie dough and mackinac island fudge YUMMY
.020. ] Color: pink
.021. ] Season: summer
.022. ] Holiday: My birthday and christmas
.023. ] Thing in your room: um..i would have to say my bed and tv
.024. ] books: don't read alot so none
.025. ] TV channel: i like lots
.026. ] Shape: Star
.027. ] Time: afternoonish or at night
.028. ] State: i like Michigan but New York and California sound cool
.029. ] Boys name: i like lots of boys names
.030. ] Girls name: i like lots of girls names also
.031. ] Disney character: Minnie Mouse :)
.032. ] Scary movie: i don't like scary movies so therefore there not my favorite
» T H I S O R T H A T «
.033. ] Hot or cold: in between
.034. ] Winter or summer: summer defintely
.035. ] Spring or fall: i like both
.036. ] Shakira or Britney: neither
.037. ] MTV or fuse: MTV
.038. ] Rollarblading or skateboarding: rollarblading is funn
.039. ] Black or white: white
.040. ] Orange or red: orange
.041. ] Yellow or green: um...a really light yellow
.042. ] purple or pink: pink defintely
.043. ] cell phone or pager: cell phone
.044. ] Powerpuff Girls or Charlie's Angels: Charlies Angles
.045. ] Scooby doo or Dino: Scooby dooby dooo
» Y E S O R N O «
.046. ] Are you a vegetarian: no i could never do that
.047. ] Do you like cows: of course
.048. ] Are you a bitch: no not at all
.049. ] Are you artistic: kinda
.050. ] Do you write poetry: it bores me
.051. ] Can you ski: yes sir or ma'am
.052. ] Are you British: i don't think so but it's fun when you talk that way lol
.053. ] Are you straight: yes i am
.054. ] Are you evil: no it's scary
.055. ] Is Britney a whore: i think so but i don't know i havne't met her before
.056. ] Are you secretly from another planet: shhh no one is suppose to know that
» T H E L A S T «
.067. ] Thing you ate: popcorn
.068. ] Thing you drank: mt. dew
.069. ] Place you went: in the living room
.070. ] Thing you got pierced/tattooed: my ears like 18 million years ago
.071. ] Song you heard: uhhhhhh can't remember
.072. ] Person you instant messaged: matt taylor
.073. ] Person you laughed with: my mommy
» N O W «
.074. ] What are you eating: gum
.075. ] What are you drinking: nothing at all
.076. ] Any shoes on: nope i'm bare foot
.077. ] Hair: messy and in a pony tail
.078. ] Listening to: me type on the keyboard
sry people who actually read this i was bored....very bored..