
Jun 12, 2006 19:45

wheeeee. today was pointless.

1st period: review
2nd period: watched world cup (the Czechs slaughtered USA)
3rd period: took final so we can do presentations wednesday
4th period: played pomp and circumstance, and fantasmic
5th period: watched 2nd world cup game (viva la Italia. they beat Ghana)
6th period: did nottttthing. well, we goofed around and stuff.

so yeah. the next three days, i'm out at 12:10. cool beans.

alg 2 honors final (part one= very easy, part two= fairly easy)
biology honors final (multiple choice vocab. EASY PEASY)

english (presentations, no final)
band (graduation practice with the seniors. no final. just lots o' P&C)

german (the only hard final i'll have... eek!!!)
theater (aw shit, i still have to memorize the damn skit. =D)

our first act as sophomorons will be to go take over El Mariachi and throw Megan the goodbye shingdig of the decade. and yes, i'll cry. a lot.

then at 6, it's back to the current campus for the last time for graduation. i will cry again, cuz of caitlyn and eleanor.

after that... no more cherry ave campus! mwahahaha.

many funny things happened today, but i can't remember them. cuz i'm lame...
and someone needs to fix chris's interweb. yesyesyes.
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