(no subject)

Mar 11, 2006 17:52

i got bored.
and took pictures of our pitiful snow.
but tis still more than you got! bwaha

first: these are my kitties. they took over my bed

ok so, the snow started out pretty pitiful:

our yard was lightly sprinkled lolol

and we had icicles!

a few minutes later, it started snowing harder...

and landed on buddha!

my house!

well, there is actually more snow now, but as i don't feel like getting up every five minutes to take pictures... there ya go...

/edit: i love ms. morgan
Dear Erin,

Nor is it the band's fault. I believe there are many people in the band, at the school, in the community and parents who want Beaumont to have a band. A really good band too. I think that there may be a few people who only know how to complain about everything instead of being able to stop and see the good in things and in people. People make mistakes and hopefully can learn from them.

Other times some people intend to be mean and do cruel things to other people. Through their own short sightedness fail to see that in the long run the hurt many innocent people and ultimately themselves.

I have talked to "Doc" on the phone today. We are working together and supporting one another. There is a saying that it's not over till the fat lady sings......well you haven't heard me sing yet. I am not throwing in the towel yet. Hang in there keep the faith give me a call whenever you wish and we can talk. (((((HUGS))))) to the BHS Cougar band I miss you all VERY MUCH!!!!

M. Morgan.
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