
Feb 03, 2006 18:02

today was crazy.
good things first-- saxes kicked ass in jazz band. freshman kicked ass at pep rally. it was so loud that you couldn't hear yourself screaming, or anyone else in particular, just noise.

steph is back. thank god. i saw her at the rally, and jumped on her. i wouldn't let go of her for five minutes. i kept telling her she was stupid, and that i loved her. she was gone for a day or two, and then came back. they sent her to a psychiatrist because her arm from the elbow down is torn to pieces from cutting. she tried to commit suicide twice. but she's safe.

bad things--
~shelf fell on me in 4th period. owwed of the finger
~three riots today. 1st one right after rally, about 30 people. second one was ten minutes later, and about 75 people. i was on the phone with chris for this one. 2 minutes after i got off the phone with chris, we all hear screaming/yelling/cussing/fighting. we go outside and there are 200+ people fighting in senior square. Mrs Richardson told us to go back inside and make sure the door was locked while she went to go help. Coach Tal (football coach/security guard) was trying to break things up and was tackling kids, elbowing them, anything to get them off of eachother and him. it was crazy.
so yeah. there was blood, and cops, and lots of hurt kids, and the school went into lock down.

and i would have written more about this, except i kinda lost interest.

the worst part of today was finding out that i really truly can't go to camp.
i was really really hoping that it was the second week. This is the last summer that a lot of people can go, and i'm not gonna be there. I've been looking forward to it for so long. i listen to the cd at least twice a week, just because i love the feeling of performing. i was really really looking forward to doing jazz band, and the sax quartet. I was even planning on doing a solo. and now i can't. and yes, i'm lame, and it makes me cry. I don't get to do the folk dancing, or get yelled at for staying up late, or wake up really early on the last day and talk to chris on the steps. i don't get to play swamp frisbee, or go to the treehouse, or dance around in my underwear with my cabinmates with the doors and windows wide open on the last day. i don't get to watch the viola choir that all my viola friends were so excited about, or take the customary embarrasing picture of the sax coach. I can't dance around in jazz band, or get yelled at by the counselors to "make room for jesus." I don't get to have my cabinmates asking about me and Chris 24/7, or laugh at them obsessing over the hot lunch guy. I can't do the wave and scream Mr Fischer, or laugh at the other camp for singing horribly late into the night. the list could go on for pages.
This sucks. so badly.

/edit: i emailed my trip leader about possibly switching delegations so that i can go earlier in the summer. but i'm not gonna get my hopes up. because i already did that with hoping it was the second week of august, and it didn't work. but it's a possiblility
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