thinkin tonight

Oct 28, 2003 21:36

I may not know much, but this i do know: If you let a gross, 1000 for three dollars, popscicle set on a table for about twenty minutes, it is magically transformed into a really tasty popscicle. I'm serious. Popscicles are way better when they're a little melty. My dad likes melty frosties. That's just not kosher. I like frosties with fries.

I write a lot about food in my journals! That's kinda sad! Everyone else talks about their loves and all. meh...

I really hate it when someone is drinking something and it goes down the wrong tube and it looks like they are about to choke to death but they're alright cuz they're breathing. That scares me. I'm afraid i'll not know when someone needs saving.

Howcome is has become so darn stylish to talk trash about church and religion and God? I wish there was some way to help people see through long sermons, rules, hymns, kumbiyah and all that to the real faith. Preach on, preacha! I GOTTA go to church this weekend. Dang. Night after my birthday.... that's gonna be a toughie. But here i am proclaiming to all ya'll that I AM GOING TO CHURCH THIS SUNDAY!

Does it like not matter how much you work out your abs if you have fat on top of the muscle? j/w

Big Boi is my homie! hahaha!
"The girls all pause with glee, turning left turning right hardly looking at me,
But I was looking at them, there, there on the dance floor
Now they got me in the middle feeling like a man whore
Specially the big girl, big girls need love too no discrimination in this world.
So keep your hands off my cheeks, and let me study how you ride the beat
You big freak!"

Some things are really nice to hear, even though they may be nasty! HAHAH! Kelli knows what KB is talkin about!

well, love you all. and remember, I smurfed him first!
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