Updates of my life

Jan 21, 2012 18:34

Hello guys im here!

CNY is coming and Im having a bad sore throat.. That's like the worst period to fall sick.. ):
Okay im excited for reunion dinner because i get to spend time with my relatives and my fav cousins!

Ive not been visiting grandma lately and hence didnt get to see my cousins very often. Im glad gatherings are finally approaching!

Back track to how I spend my Christmas and New Year!!

I actually went to Sunway Lagoon w my fam and I bought a lot of stuff! Its like everything's free there. I wont even buy a shorts that cost over $40 in Singapore, but I actually bought a SGD70+ at Malaysia's Miss Selfridge. Its damn expensive but I just buy and buy there, without much thought. Granny joined in the vacation as well, which makes the trip more FUN! (My ah ma is a very hilarious gossipy person, I love gossip, that's why its so funnnnnn to have her around!). I love shopping vacation like this the most cause I travel most of the time, yearning for shopping time ONLY! <3

New Year
As for New Year Day, I spent w my Secondary School clique. We stayed at RSYC, YEAHHHHH RIGHT!!! Finally no more run-down chalet where i have to tip-toe whenever i walk! We had steamboat there, its our first time having steamboat tgt and I believe it is quite a SUCCESS! Food's good, environment's great and companions' the best. Actually there's nothing much to play at RSYC.. but the most memorable part is that its our 1st time squeezing 4 ADULTS into the Jacuzzi!

Yesterday's Dream
So! Recently, I spent most of my time on school work and of coz, projects! One significant that marked my life is THIS!
As you all know, I dont have much opportunities in life to prove myself in POLY. Thanks to the opp given by Ms K to be in-charge of the photo exhibition, I get to taste the feeling of setting up a exhibition. Its a pretty long journey but all worthwhile as I have my artistic directors, Xue Er and Yuen Fang! <3

So on 14 Jan, we had the opening ceremony where the ambassador of Philippines, Director of SDAR and even Director of BA came. Quite a major event in my life actually.. Its the first time NP did smth like that to share the stories of our YEP experience! Thank you eveyone who helped out, you guys made the opening ceremony a success! :D

Some of my fav photos, taken from Xue Er's album! Haha..



Simple Plan Concert
Weee! Sihui and I attended my fav band concert! Its my first time going to concert too, the concert was great, very high but the fans are really smelly and a disgrace! They keep pushing and squeezing, making people fall and its just so EVIL!

 (Photos taken from SiHui's album!)

OK that sums up my post! Bye all wish you a happy chinese new year!!

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