Late Fic: Mary Anne Round

Jun 02, 2006 00:18

This is so late, I'm so sorry!

Title: Quietly, Summer Moves
Author: velvetandlace
Fandom: Baby-Sitters Club
Characters/Pairing: Mary Anne/Dawn
Timeline/Spoilers: Post-BSC, post graduation - apologies to kasumi_girl, I misread the timeline you wanted!
There are spoilers here for the series, but only vague ones.
Rating/Warning: Not earth-shatteringly high.
Disclaimer: Not mine, no gain, don’t sue please.
Summary: Mary Anne and Dawn see each other again over the summer, and things become easier to understand.
A/N: Just about 600 words.
For the short_takes Mary Anne challenge, and kasumi_girl, who wanted Mary Anne/Dawn and a sleepover.

Dawn’s hair still hung long, and even though Mary Anne doesn’t cling to fairytales anymore, she thinks it looked like the weaves spun of gold in the Rumpelstiltskin story. Dawn, though… Dawn is the last girl in the world that ever wanted to be a princess, so Mary Anne, that July, only says: “Your hair looks great, Dawn, like always.”

Dawn beams, and something breaks of out of its cocoon inside Mary Anne; a soaring butterfly, all the colours of a California summer.

In June, July is too far away.


It’s that last summer, that magic summer - the days between graduation and (therealworld)college, where the nights are never long enough and you try goodbyes in a haze of celebration. Mary Anne spends June in Claudia’s room, like nothing’s ever changed in the last few years. It’s a beginning and an end and everyone’s changing, but not a single one of them admits it.

Kristy sits cross-legged on the floor, and Mary Anne rests her feet in her lap as the four of them talk about nothing with a purpose. Claudia’s director’s chair hides under a mess of clothes, but nobody says a word. Stacey looks in the direction of Janine’s room and the portrait of Mimi on Claudia’s wall, but when she talks it’s about Claudia’s tiny and perpetually hidden hand-held television. Kristy laughs. Claudia jokes about a portrait of the four of them. Kristy says: “The Baby-Sitters Club?”

Silence. Then a roar of laughter.

They have sleepovers, and they actually sleep.


In July, the heat brings Dawn: she’s wide-eyed, smiling, and breathless, and the whole colour of Mary Anne’s summer changes.

She’s known Dawn five years, and things, some things, are slow to blossom. Now home, in the heat, with Dawn’s hair shot through with sunlight, Mary Anne’s finally unfurling. Finally waking up.

Five years, and Mary Anne wishes she could say it all with a kiss. Instead, she says: “Dawn!”

And when she thinks about it, that really seems to say it all.


“Do you remember when we first met?”

Dawn doesn’t have to ask. Mary Anne remembers every second, but without even waiting for an answer, Dawn replies: “Wait. Of course you do, because I do.”

That’s all that needs to be said about that.


It’s been years since they moved in together and they’d learned how much they’d both needed space. But right now, it’s like they can’t be torn apart (every touch too long, every look too lingering), and Dawn moves herself into Mary Anne’s room.

They don’t call it a sleepover that night, but they stay up and talk; Mary Anne bakes cookies and Dawn even eats them. When Mary Anne protests, Dawn replies: “Mary Anne, I can rot my teeth just this once for you. Don’t spoil the moment.

The moment.


Mary Anne doesn’t.

She leans forward (just for you - don’t spoil) and says it all, says everything, in a hesitant lips-pressed kiss.


!challenge entry, challenge: 03 - mary anne, character: dawn schafer, character: mary anne spier, written for: chickwith_stick, pairing: dawn/mary anne, author: velvetandlace

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