Mary Anne round masterlist

May 22, 2006 15:14

kasumi_girl wrote Pretend (Mary Anne/Kristy) for wisdomeagle
midnightwriting wrote Realizations (Mary Anne/Dawn) for nybor4
nybor4 wrote Mary Anne in the Middle (Mary Anne/Kristy/Dawn) for thelastgoodname.

And the rest of us are delayed. As always, the deadline is lax, but I'm sure all of us who're late will try our hardest to write something by the end of the week.

In the meantime, I'll be posting the poll soon, and I'm pleased to announce that midnightwriting has kindly volunteered to co-mod, and so hopefully my own disorganization and procrastination won't stop this from being a thriving community.

Have a lovely day, all,

challenge: 03 - mary anne, !mod post, !master list

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