organization overload

Jun 19, 2008 23:51

Hey all, just a little housekeeping here. I went through tonight and tagged every entry in the community, as well as added all fics to the memories. The links to both the tag page and the memories are available on the community's main page, so no need to bookmark those or anything--they should always be easy to find.

The tag list is significantly more comprehensive than the memories (quite possibly too comprehensive--I think my OCD is showing). Feel free to tag your posts as you post them, but if you don't feel up to figuring out my crazy system, that's fine; I'll be sure to tag everything that isn't tagged. And just as an FYI, all pairings are listed alphabetically by the first person. So if you're looking for a story with Claudia and Dawn, it will always be listed Claudia/Dawn, never Dawn/Claudia.

I'm also sure that I've made some mistakes in my tagging. I'm human, I have a tendency to do that. Please feel free to point out any mistakes you see to me so that I can correct them.

And now off to get to work on my Kristy story!

!mod post

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