Forget about the Boy Logan

Aug 13, 2006 16:04

For greendragon06, who wanted Rory Gilmore/Mary Anne Spier, with nervousness.
Forget about the Logan Boy, by Hedy
GG spoilers through 6.14 “You’ve been Gilmored” I do not own either GG or BSC

“Do I want a double?” Rory asked.
“Paris kicked me out, and now I have to find a place to live,” she explained to her boyfriend over the phone. “Anyway, there are no singles left in Branford or the rest of Yale, but there is a double in Branford. Some junior’s already living there. Her name’s Mary Anne Spier. Do you think that would suck?”
“Well, you could always…”
“Because I’d really prefer to be on campus, after not being on campus last semester and how it worked out with Paris, and really at Branford.”
“Uh, yeah, I guess it could work.”
Mary Anne Spier was hastily moving her books, TV and phone charger to her half of the room. She had already dismantled the “couch” she had been enjoying for the past month or so. Her new roommate was also a junior, but she’d never met this Lorelai Gilmore in person, although they were in the same college. She heard a knock at the door. A dark-haired, blue-eyed waif stood there, carrying a gigantic box of books.
“Mary...Anne?” The waif asked hesitantly. Mary Anne nodded.
“Mary Anne Spier. You’re Lorelai Gilmore?”
“Rory. My mom’s Lorelai. Pretty name, Mary Anne. I think I used to read a book series with a character called Mary Anne…” Rory paused thoughtfully and set down her box and reached for another. “My boyfriend Logan and his friends will be coming with some more stuff.”
“Logan?” Mary Anne asked. “I…I used to have a boyfriend named Logan.”
“Oh, God, I hope not Logan Huntzberger. The boy used to get around, but not anymore. We’re good.”
“No, this was in, erm, eighth grade.” Mary Anne giggled involuntarily. “Logan Bruno. He was from Kentucky.”
“Kentucky? That’s awesome!” Rory said, as she pulled out her phone. “Logan just texted me. His friend Finn dropped a box on his foot, so they’re going to be a little delayed. Shall we get to know each other better?”
“Sure.” Said Mary Anne.
“You seem nervous.” Rory observed.
“I’m shy and sensitive.”
“Oh. Where are you from? I’m from Stars Hollow, Ct. It’s about half an hour from Hartford and here.”
“Stoneybrook, CT. Its about half an hour from here, near Stamford. Where’d you go to high school?”
“The Chilton School, in Hartford.”
“Oh, my friend who went to Stoneybrook Day used to play Field Hockey against them. I went to Stoneybrook High. So you live with your parents when you’re not at Yale?”
“My mom.”
“I live with my dad and stepmother.”
“Yeah, my mom’s engaged, so I’ll be getting a step-dad soon. So what’s your major?”
“English, you?”
“Me, too!” Rory exclaimed. Mary Anne eyed her critically.
“Wait, you’re that Rory Gilmore…You write for the Yale Daily News.”
“Yeah, that’s me. I just got elected Editor, actually.”
“Wow. I tried writing for the YDN my freshman year, but it didn’t turn out so well…” Mary Anne trailed off.
“How so?” Rory pressed.
“You know how everyone had to write a piece for every section? Well, I was assigned to write a features article on how a lot of intro language classes are taught by TA’s, but then this girl, Paris, announced that she wanted to do it, so I gave it to her and quit.”
“Paris. Paris Geller?”
“Uh, yeah.”
“Oh my god! She’s my old roommate.” Something in Rory’s voice kept Mary Anne from pressing the issue.
“So, how long have you been with Logan?”
“About a year. He used to be a kind of a player, but things are better now. What happened with your Logan?”
“Well, we were together for eighth grade, which seemed really long, and it sort of stopped working out. But then, we needed each other later in high school, but we broke up in high school. For good.” Mary Anne finished her rushed, nervous story emphatically.
“For good?” Rory asked, as she sat on the gross Yale-issued mattress of her new bed, and crossed her shapely legs.
“For good. So, erm, how did you wind up moving out of your housing mid-semester?” Mary Anne was quick to change the subject.
“Oh, I was elected editor of the YDN, and Paris got pissed off. What happened to your Logan?”
“He’s, erm, at Southern Connecticut right now…”
“Oh, right in town! Are you still friends?” Mary Anne was beginning to see exactly why Rory was so key to the paper.
“Um, yeah.”
“That’s great! So, do you have a boyfriend?”
“Erm, no, my last relationship ended badly…”
“Yeah, we kind of had some messy drama. She was cheating on me, and it ended badly.” Rory was quiet for a bit, and Mary Anne momentarily worried that Rory wasn’t as cool as she’d expected. Mary Anne got up and began to head for the door, tears welling in her eyes.
“Paris and I kissed over Spring Break our first year of college. Was kind of a joke..thing..but…I liked it.” And with that, Rory turned her phone off and pressed Mary Anne against the door.

!challenge entry, challenge: 07 - crossovers, author: hedy, written for: greendragon06, character: mary anne spier

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