first day of classes..

Sep 27, 2004 19:18

so i'm all moved in (university crossings, 211.. COME VISIT) and basically unpacked and watnot. i bought a bookshelf from ikea that i haven't put together yet so the stuff that's going on there is sitting in the corner of my room but other than that everything's put away. my room is peeerrty. i like it anyways. the living room is kinda blah but that'll be fixed up in a lil. im thinking about taking pictures of the place with my digital camera and putting them up for everyone to see but i think i'm too lazy for that.

last week was pretty good. hung out with my sister during the day on monday, tuesday and wednesday. monday night went out with eric, tuesday night i dont remember what i did, wednesday night i packed and i went to sleep early. thursday i woke up maddd early so i made sure i was packed and went to mcdonalds with eric. after mcdonalds i left to go to see lindsey. i picked her up in marlton and we went to the movies. we saw vanity fair...two thumbs up. after that i went to stay with my nicholas. we went over to the house at night. he played some "wine cooler" pong. the wine coolers were good, tasted better than beer, and had more alcohol in them too. friday we spent most of the day inside. i felt like doody on a stick. went back to manalapan saturday morning. i couldnt eat anything allllllll day and i didnt! go me! we went out to luccentos for dinner (8:00pm finally eating for the first time all day, i was hungry). then nick and i rented a movie from blockbuster. scooby doo 2. yea i fell asleep half way through the movie. woke up at 6am and got ready to go. woke nick up at 7:30 and we were out the door and on our way to drexel by 8am. the parentals and nick helped move all my shit in and then we went to breakfast at dp. went to ikea and wallmart with kim and jess (two out of three of the mates). came back unpacked. nick came over for a lil. ordered din din. he left. i passed out early again. it was great.

today woke up at 8:30. half an hour before the alarm was goin off. got ready and just chilled til 9:50 when kim and i headed off to accounting. that class blows. came back, james came over. watched tv. left for art history at 2:50. yea that class is gunna suck major donkey dick. came back. nick came over. made din din. he took a nap and then left for class. i did some accounting work and now im updating.

and thats my week all rolled into two paragraphs :)
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