Dec 03, 2004 12:08
WEll im at school and our video for english is funny as fuck! hell yea. now i have to calm down cuz i have been bounceing off the walls with my good mood im in. yes i am a very moody person. lol. anyways yea today was fun. I got called down to the office cuz of hedi but all i was told is that she felt like i was out to get her so i said ok then he told me that i should go back to class. so yea didnt get inta trouble. Tonight i get to go to practice then i get too see all my old friends for Caite's birthday! yea! i cant wait im so excited. i miss em all so much. but yea so me and hil are gonna go there. BUT YEA IM BORED. so ima gonna go. SEE YA!