(no subject)

Feb 03, 2005 20:35

this week went by pretty fast.
saturday i had to cut to 119 for the first time since i started wrestling. shit was so hard. i made it and ripped some kid from manville. that was fun.
sunday me, craig, shedrick, jon, and alex went to rider universtiy to watch darrion wrestle in the all star match. i couldn't stop eating that day. then we went to burger king. haven't been there in a minute. the food was so fucking good. the next day i came in like 15 pounds over weight. so i pretty much cut all week for the roselle park match.
the roselle park match was pretty packed. it was 22-19 before i wrestled. i wrestled really bad and managed to keep things close. stueb looked over the video with me and i got snaked for a stalling point and shouldv'e fucking won. if i wouldv'e won we wouldv'e beaten them. now i gotta live with the guilt of being the person who shouldv'e won to finally beat them. its been over 20 years and we had the best chance.
the only way we can make up for our 2 losses is the counties which begin tomorrow. rp and new prov are both in it and if we win its like we beat them. hopefully it happens. all this cutting weight shit got me like 2 weeks behind in homework. so im out. gonna do some hw and study for the tests i got tomorrow.
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