a survey

Aug 06, 2004 17:49

my nicknames are ] shorty
[ all i need is ] friends
[ love is ] when u realli care bout someone and u would risk ur life for them
[ if i could see one person right now ]i would be so happi
[ im afraid of ] chainsaws, taxas, and being alone
[ i dream about ] my crush, and realli odd stuff

W H O . W A S . T H E . L A S T . P E R S O N . . .
[ you talked to ] my brother
[ hugged ]amanda
[ you instant messaged ] becca n
[ you laughed with ] probaly someone in band

M O R E . Q U E S T i O N S . . .
[ i want ] my life to make sence
[ i love ] friends, family, and my crush
[ i miss ] connecticut and my family
[ i fear ] being lonley
[ i hear ] my bro's ps2

S E V E N . T H I N G S . Y O U . L O V E . T O . D O
youth group
eat (even tho im fat)
take pictures
Hanging out with friends

S E V E N . T H I N G S / P E O P L E . T H A T . A N N O Y .
Being used
ppl cheating
When ppl juss make fun of me when i ask a simple ?
When i make a mistake and ppl make fun of me
Bad People

F I V E . T H I N G S . Y O U . D O . E V E R Y D A Y

O N E . P E R S O N . Y O U . C O U L D . S P E N D . Y O U R L I F E . W I T H . F O R E V E R
eitha my crush or one of my best friends

A N 0 T H E R . 0 N E
[ pierce your nose or tongue ] tongue
[ be serious or be funny ] Funny
[ coke or pepsi ] pepsi
[ whole or skim milk ] skim (thats the only kind i drink)
[ simple or complicated ] Simple
[ law or anarchy ] im lost wuts the second word
[ flowers or angels ] Angels
[ grey or gray? ] grey
[ read or write ] neither
[ color or black-and-white photos ] color
[ sunrise or sunset ] Sunrise... even tho i dont like to wake up that early
[ m&m's or skittles ] m&m's
[ rap or rock ] both
[ stay up late or wake up late ] both
[ tv or radio ] Radio
[ is it pop or soda ] soda
[ x or o in tic-tac-toe ] x
[ eat an apple or an orange ] Apple
[ what came first the chicken or the egg ] Egg...lol so confusing
[ hot or cold ] depends
[ dead or alive ] alive is nice
[ tall members of the opposite sex or short ] Tall (cuz they all r to me)
[ sun or moon ] both
[ emerald or ruby ] emerald (its my birth stone)
[ left or right ] Right
[ ten acquaintances or one best friend ] depends
[ vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream ] swirl (the best of both worlds)
[ high or drunk ] haha...Either works for me
[ green beans or carrots ] Neither
[ low fat or fat free ] low fat
[ kids or no kids ] kids
[ cat or dog ] Dog
[ half empty or half full ] it all depends on wut it is
[ mustard or ketchup ] ketchup
[ hard cover books or soft cover books ] neither
[ newspaper or magazine ] magazine
[ sandals or sneakers ] sneakers
[ wonder or amazement ] amazement
[ red car or white car ] white
[ happy and poor or sad and rich ] first one
[ singing or dancing ] both (even tho i cant do either
[ hugging or kissing ] Both
[ corduroy or plaid ] both (but not at the same time)
[ happy or sad ] Happi
[ purple or green ] green
[ a year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship ] lifetime of friendship

[ what's your full name ] Morgan Elizabeth Petrella Ebbers
[ what are your nicknames ] i answered this
[ how old are you ] 15
[ when is your birthday ] may 15
[ how tall are you ] 5'1"
[ what color are your eyes ] Brown
[ where were you born ] connecticut
[ where do you live now ] Florida
[ piercing ] Ears
[ tattoos ] nope
[ do you get along with your parents ] sometimes
[ when is your bedtime ] i don't have one
[ what size shoe are you ] 8 in womans and 7 in mens
[ have you ever been arrested ] nope
[ who's your role model ] my mom and...
[ what is the best thing you have done ] joined youth group
[ what type of shampoo/conditioner do you use ] Herbal
[ do you have any pets ] cat
[ do you have any siblings ] yea
[ names ] jordan
[ what is your astrological sign ] tourus (sp?)
[ who is your best friend ] megan l, and lauren c

W H I C H . O F . Y O U R . F R I E N D S . I S
[ best looking ] markovitz
[ ugliest } none of them!
[ loudest ] Were all loud
[ quietest ] none of us
[ strangest ] my whole youth group
[ most insane ] my whole youth group
[ most annoying ] hhhhmmmm....
[ most lovable ] all of them!
[ favorite one(s) to be with ] all of them
[ known the longest ] lauren c
[ who knows the most about you ] lauren c or megan l
[ where do you hang out with your friends ] Football games, there houses, Around The area
[ how many of your friends do you trust ] -shrug-
[ how many have back-stabbed you ]at least 2
[ name all the ones you trust ] i cant it would take up to much space
[ list the friends that you think you will always have ] gosh that would take too much space
[ important qualities in a friend ] love, trust
[ what's your best quality ] good listener, sence of humor
[ what's your worst quality ] trust issus...i give in too easy
[ what do you do best ] nothing...lmao
[ what makes you cry ] friends letting me down, being used/ played by a guy
[ are you happy right now ] im ok
[ what makes you happy ] Friends
[ do you have a crush ] crush(s)
[ describe their personality ] amazing
[ do you stalk them ] No.....there juss every where i am.
[ describe a perfect date ] walk around a town like st. agustine Or a football game
[ describe love in your own words ] love is someone who'll deal with you when you're as cranky and stuff... and will do ne thing... like die for u
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