
Sep 04, 2007 19:31

ok. so recently, lets see. i still havent accepted the fact that im a senior and life as i know it is coming closer and closer to being over. i miss friends alot. especially amanda who i havent talked to since before jr/sr retreat [how did that go by the way?] i am going to rock the universe this weekend with lauren and im very very excited about that! =] i miss lauren terribly too. and i get to go with katherine so its pretty much awesome =]. i have made new friends//gotten closer to ones i already have at niceville. im becoming really good friends with kella, which is surprising with all of our past [danny] haha. i love being a senior though cause you get to have all of those seniority rights at nhs which is pretty much amazing. i dont have as much homework as i expected which is a good surprise. football games are pretty much amazing this year cause theres a grill team [where people get together and grill out and eat and hang out before the game haha i know its lame but i find it fun] and i sit in the student section now which is SO INTENSE especially with all the boys i sit with who are just so completely into cheering until they die for the team. its intense, and dumb, but i like it. half the people i work with have just recently gotten fired and/or arrested for stealing. just between 11 people alone, $25,000 has been stolen. and thats just the merchandise. what they turned back in. people still have some of the stuff they stole. oh, and one single person admitted to stealing $17,000 out of the cash drawer in only a little over a month and a half of working there. theyre being charged with a third degree felony. and now someone has brought my name up and so im being accused of stealing too. i will tell you this....i may be a lot of things, but a stealer is NOT one of them. so thats pretty much messed up. this morning i got into a car accident. the guy in front of me parked, but then as i was pulling into the parking space next to him, he decides he wants to back up and repark while im already trying to park, and i couldnt just sit there and let him hit me, and i couldnt back up cause there was a car behind me, so i tried to do a sharp turn into the parking space i was trying to park into in the first place, and i scraped the car on the other side. his car is completely fine, mine is the only one thats got any kind of damage on it. i didnt get a ticket which is good news, and they didnt fill out an official police report, so it doesnt go on my record. the dumb person who parked SIDEWAYS and decided he wanted to back up got the ticket. stupid boy. and the accident happened right before first period, and i was out there until almost the end of it, so on top of hitting a car and damaging my car in the process this morning, i also was marked absent from 1st period cause they dont excuse absences due to vehicle problems. how gay. also, during 8th period [yes i have an 8th period, its chorus and i have it everyday of the week til 2:50] i got there right at 1:50 for class which is amazing cause i have to walk from one side of the campus to the other after school in five minutes and make it, and the girl doing the tardies marked me tadry even though i was right on the dot. i REALLY dont like her. like seriously, shes the most annoying person i have ever met. i have never not liked someone as much as i dont like her. she has that "im better than you" attitude nad it makes me so mad. jetney kates needs to die. this day sucked but im sure tomorrow will be better.all boys suck, but life is ok right now except for my car and work, and some people at school. ha.

people need to call me to hang out that i havent heard from in a while. that would be much appreciated and desperately needed. i love my friends, i swear if it werent for them i dont think i would be able to make it thruogh life. oh and if you do try to call me, be sure you leave a voicemail if i dont answer, cause my phone is being really retarded recently and getting like little to no service inside my houses. so yeah.

long entry.
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