5 questions of fun :-)

Jun 10, 2011 09:24

From epiccoterie:

Rules are that I answer the questions epiccoterie asked me and you comment to this post and I'll make 5 questions for you. Enjoy!

1. Would you have chosen your career if you knew then what you know now?

I love my career to death, but the road to getting to where I am now has been strewn with bad and icky things... Maybe I would've done a few things differently along the way, but hopefully, I would've ended up right where I am today.

2. What was your happiest moment/time in your life?

When Adam moved here and we got married :-) Oh, and the two years after the wedding have been a continuation of the happy;-)

3. What's your favorite thing about where you live?

Country: We have free medical, free school (we're paying our college students to get an education) and good roads. We have good food regulation so if there's any problems there's an immediate recall of the tainted foods. We have a good social safety net that ensures that poverty is almost non-existent here. Abortion is also just a right here and no one in their right mind would try to tamper with it because it's a right and everyone can have one with no questions asked...

Local: That we're close to everything: woods, sea, shopping, a renaissance city center and our allotment garden. We live right next to a wonderful pond where we go and feed geese who will eat out of our hands. We have a great apartment:-D The closeness of the woods and ocean is fantastic in that we can collect a lot of lovely herbs and mushrooms for free and we can make all kinds of syrups from the different berry bushes around here. It's great!
Ps: we also have the best pizza places here;-P

4. Which three people in your life are you most thankful for?

Adam, of course :-D Best husband ever! My grandmother, who's a wonderful person. My parents (they're one entity under the law, so they're one here too) who are my constant support and they're my go to pps for all things.

5. What's your favorite ice cream?

I love vanilla the best:-)
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