Fuck yeahh!

Oct 25, 2004 06:49

ok well yesturday was the trip to the hunted corn maze and the hunted house. ok that was some fukkin scary shit!! ok well me and mary were lookin around this corner in the maze and the dude was actully on the other side of us so he just poped out of no where and we fukkin took off! then later on there was this shack tht you saw so we all thought they were gonna come out of the shack so me and mary ore in front of everyone and were lookin at the shack and this guy with a fukkin chain saw comes out from the side and scares the shit outta of me and mary so we bumped into eachother and fell on our ass and the chain saw guy jus stoped for a sec and jus stared at us then wen we got up he started the chain saw again and we jus RAN. LOL. AMAZING NIGHT!! I LOVE YEW MARY!! <3

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