Title: Proof Of Author: chatona Fandom: NCIS Pairing: Gibbs/DiNozzo Rating: R Warnings: unbeta'd Word count: 379 Summary: Some nights, Gibbs plays connect-the-dots with the scars on Tony's body.
very much so, sniffles as in soppy sappy sniffles when you read a Mills & Boone Romance, all sugary and spice and all things nice - coz this for Gibbs is that and yet so very gothic at his worry/concern/jealousy when others seem to get too close to the love of his life - and well maybe I'm reading more into what you wrote than you actually wrote, and I'm doing an imitation Abby with this babbly-rambling way I'm explaining things....
Heeeey, there's nothing wrong at all with rambling and babbling (I am rather prone to those two as well sometimes, ladida) and oh, romance-induced sniffles are indeed the good kind :D
ooops!! good job I didn't go into Basque :-) I'm only bilingual (Spanish/English) despite doing French at school. However, I'm now endeavouring to learn Basque -I'll get there eventually
Heh, yes, lucky me. I speak English and German fluently, my Dutch is pretty good, my French and my Italian are rusty... Spanish I only understand when it's written and only because the words are often similar to Italian and Latin. Else I'd be entirely lost.
German I only know a few greetings cos a girl at junior school had a German mother, so we were all the time "how do you say..?" Basque grammar is like Latin/German grammar - terribly difficult when English is your first language :-)
I'm sure you'd find it easier than me, because to cap it all I didn't even do Latin at school, perhaps if I had I wouldn't have the difficulties I do, although being a translator does mean that at least my mind is more open to language learning
Medical is interesting. I get to do that sometimes, very improfessionally, for my mother or my boyfriend. Because I'm better at English than my mum and better at German and English than the BF.
I do Spanish to English only, well occasionally English to Spanish, but it's always better to translate into your mother tongue than out of it. Perhaps you should take it up as a profession, although interpreting is more profitable than translating, but you need a cool head for that, I don't mind ad hoc, but conference interpreting is a definite no-no for me
Ah, I thought about it, but then I would go crazy having to translate other peoples' words without being allowed to throw my two cents in for good measure. So now I'm studying law.
Basque grammar is like Latin/German grammar - terribly difficult when English is your first language :-)
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