...you're as welcome as cancer, but my door is always unlocked...

Jun 28, 2004 13:30

So I was looking at the Civic Tour cite and I was checking out the list of dates and locations and I was bothered by the fact that our tour stop is listed as the New York, NY stop. Last I checked, PNC was in Holmdel motha-fuckin NJ. Then I looked at the next date and it said Tsongas Arena - Boston, MA. I'm sorry, but Tsongas is closer to NH than to Boston. Why do they gotta lie like that? Can't they just say Lowell, MA or Holmdel, NJ? Most concert goers know the venues in their area, you don't have to put the closest major city to try and suck them in. Oh well.

I had to give blood this morning for a blood test. I went to the Troy clinic to have it drawn and the nurse looked at me and she goes "I remember you..." I was like "Yeah I'm the panzy that has to lay down and can't watch." She was real gentle though, I think it might've been my best blood giving experience yet, I hardly felt a thing.

I hate the fact that it is inventory week. For one, I have to be here at 7 AM on Thursday and possibly Friday too. Be here by 7, which means I have to leave the house at like 5:45. That's nuts. Jess wants to go to Red Bank Thursday night for the improv thing... My cousin Cheryl called me and asked me if I wanted to go see Aerosmith Wednesday night with her... I can't do any of... Gah. Oh well, maybe if Jess and Dan go to Red Bank on Thursday I'll stay in and catch up on some rest that I've been neglecting.

Attention friends: This is an announcement saying that sometime in the future I would like to go to the Colisseum. But as I do not have a car, this is a request for someone else to not only go with me, but to drive as well. Someone let me know if they are interested.

I love the Matchbook Romance album. It's really good.

My boss is at corporate again so I have nothing to do. Henry just told me to call him up there and when I did all he asked me was if I had gotten all the supplies together to take inventory, which I did this morning. So I guess I have nothing to do. Fine with me...

I think that is all for now. If I get bored later you might get another post.
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