real jobs are freakin' sweet!

Dec 16, 2005 13:10

these are REAL quotes from my co-workers:

"its usually company policy to not get trashed at holiday parties, but then again, we have a boss that came into work saying 'hey guys, check out this receipt, and its just from the alcohol!' "

"and its like, 'matt, do you want employees on monday or do you want us to end up wrapped around trees as we come back from your house?' "

oh man i was cracking up and forgot the rest, something about a shot-drinking contest and being wasted, and etc etc etc

= i am looking forward to this completely.

and, taylor's coming! that's awesome, he's one of my favorite drunks to be around. <3

my new drink at work is a shot of espresso with a shot of french vanilla coffee brewed on the espresso setting with 4 packets of sugar; then put it in the freezer and put ice in it.
i just had about half of one and, using good judgement, poured the rest down the drain.

i leave in 17 minutes, but by "17 minutes", i mean "1:20 rounds up to 1:30", so really, i'm leaving in 7.
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