Nov 11, 2005 10:19
hello, internet world. how is life? it is friday, thank goodness. this week flew by, suprisingly. last week, there were two sets of measurements done with STC and IIC testing (which is what i ended up doing a lot of and am really good at now). so, i had to download, arrange, and analyze the data toward the beginning of the week; and i've been working on reports from the late part of wednesday on. its nice to have things to do. i was also evaluated yesterday and since my boss is away, one of the project managers talked to the co-op lady instead and said a lot of awesome things about me. cool. it almost makes me feel bad for spending time on livejournal but seriously, if i look at the mass of numbers that is excel for any longer i'll probably explode.
i did a survey thing to pass the time before. i posted it in myspace but forgot to copy it. its not up yet but maybe toward the end of the day i'll check to see if its there and if so, i'll post it here.
this morning, a truck (transporting, like, hazardous waste) fell over on route 78 west express (which is what i take to work). i was hardcore and drove over the barrier from express to local lanes after sitting in about 20 minutes of traffic. the amazing part? i made it to work at 8:31. sweet as hell.
this weekend, i'm either going on a thrift shopping tour across northern new jersey, or i'm going to blow it off. i guess there's not much of a grey area there.
okay, back to work. if you want to make my day, you should either comment here, in myspace (, or in facebook (just search). also, text messaging and IMs (once i'm on AIM) will make me happy. work drags so badly on fridays! help this cause.