You know, the coffee shop thing's pretty telling sometimes.

Mar 15, 2006 18:36

I'm updating tonight from Vics in Boulder, where I'm drinking lemon chammomile tea, instead of coffee. I know. It might be a sign of the apocolypse. As much as I bitch about it, there are things about Boulder that I really love. I love Vics, and Trident. I love that even though parking's a bitch in Boulder, it means sometimes you get to walk along the Pearl Street Mall. I love the college-y atmosphere (sometimes). I love the superficial things about Boulder that only someone who's lived here and moved away can truly appreciate.

I'm feeling good.

That's a pretty profound statement. I'm feeling good. About a lot of things, but mostly about my life in general. I'm not thrilled, I'm not on cloud nine, but I feel for the first time in a while, stable. That's the funny thing about an on-line journal. I have all these public entries that are all "I'm good I'm good I'm good," but if you're signed in and you're me, you see the "I'm really really fucking bad" and the "I'm elated" and everything in between. There are less of the "I'm really really fucking bad" entries lately, and a lot more. . .grounded. I'm good entries. My therapist calls it finding homeostasis. And you don't know what it's like until you've had it and lost it and found it again. I'm on my way.

You know what I don't love? Finals. So I'd better get cracking. Thought I'd touch base, though.

boulder, snapshots, homeostatsis

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